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Showgrounds Community Mens Shed

Tools Induction (Red Dot) - Tuesday 4th April '23

Tue, 4 Apr 2023
09:00 AM - 11:00 AM

All Members who intend to be part of the Woodworking Group will need to complete this Power Tools Induction Training. There is a once off Cost of $10 for this Training Course, which can be paid when you purchase a ticket.

There will be a maximum of 3 persons for each Training Session.  If after booking, for some reason you cannot attend the training, please advise the Woodworking Team Lead, Michael Cahill on 0459062090 as soon as possible, so we can arrange another session for you.

The successful completion of the Red Dot Training is a pre-requisiste to booking the Blue Dot Woodwork Machinery Course.

Once you have completed this Training, your Membership Badge will updated to show a Red Dot and enable you to undertake any projects in the Main Workshop that utilise only Power Tools. 

Ticket Type Price
Power Tools Induction (Red Dot) - Tuesday 4th April '23 $10.00 Sale Ended
Trainer (Des Lord) $0.00 Unavailable
Showgrounds Community Men's Shed
Showgrounds Community Men's Shed, Claremont WA 6010, Australia

Located just behind Gate 10 off Ashton Avenue, Claremont Showgrounds, Claremont, Western Australia, 6010, Australia

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