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Showgrounds Community Mens Shed

Morning tea with scones, jam and cream

Mon, 27 May 2024
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

The Shed would like to encourage all of our members to continue to come along to our fabulous morning teas on Thursday mornings, and since these are so successful we have been adding Monday mornings to the Event for sometime now. We have not been advertising it greatly, but am now correcting that oversight.

Scones with jam and cream will be available each Monday for our members, visitors and guests to enjoy.

Until we get a better understanding on how many people will come along for this morning tea, the supply of scones might intially run out, but be patient and we will adjust the number available as the evidence of demand is gathered.

We know Thursday mornings are greatly appreciated and we hope you can also come along and enjoy Mondays as well.

Join everyone in our lovely garden area (or in the conference room if the weather is inclement) for fresh baked scones, jam and cream with friendly companionship. Prospective members are welcome.

Located just behind Gate 10 off Ashton Avenue, Claremont Showgrounds, Claremont, Western Australia, 6010, Australia

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