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Showgrounds Community Mens Shed

ARTS National - Power of Photography

Sat, 25 May 2024
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM

Presentation: "The Power of Photography" by Roger Mendham

This presentation at the State Library should be a good adjunct to the Black and White Project this month.

A short description of the presentation is as follows:

Photographs have the ability to stop time, to provide a freeze-frame of a moment in both time and space. They give the observer the opportunity to think, to react, to feel and soak in the details of the circumstances surrounding the image.

This talk, given by Roger Mandham, examines some the most important photographers and images of the past century. It explores why these images are so powerful and influential in our understanding of history.

A keen and accomplished photographer, Roger Mendham has gained distinctions from the Royal Photographic Society and is currently the President of the Surrey Photographic Association. His artistic taste is predominantly 20th Century, and he is particularly interested in the visual aspects of art. His photography concentrates on shapes, textures and colours. He has studied the history of photography from its earliest developments in the early 1830s to becoming a major art form in the late 20th and now 21st Century. An experienced public speaker, his presentations are all richly illustrated and this talk incudes the background to some of the greatest photographs ever taken.

When: 2-3:30pm Saturday 25 May 2024

Location: Theatrette, State Library of Western Australia, 25 Francis Street Perth

Tickets and Payment

Step 1: Please select Shed ticket below if you are planning to attend (this tells the Photography Team who is planning to attend) so we can arrange to get a coffee/tea after the event.
Step 2: Please use the Try Booking Link below to select "Guest" and pay $25 to gain admission to the event.

TryBooking Link to purchase a admission ticket



Paid Parking is available under the Alexander Library or in adjacent carparks.

Alternatively use your Seniors Card and travel for free on the Train.

We hope to see you there.


John Bolto

Photography Leadership Team


Ticket Type Price
I plan to attend the presentation and will buy a TryBooking ticket separately through the link above.. $0.00 Sale Ended
State Library of Western Australia
25 Francis St, Perth WA 6000, Australia

Located just behind Gate 10 off Ashton Avenue, Claremont Showgrounds, Claremont, Western Australia, 6010, Australia

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