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Showgrounds Community Mens Shed

Garden group Spring meeting

Thu, 29 Aug 2024
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Garden group meeting

Hi all garden group members

With the Royal Show coming up in a month's time, we need to get together and discuss our strategy for preparing the garden for our presentation on the open days.

In particular, we need to look at our plant stock and cull out unwanted plants as well as getting together new plants. If you have, or know of a source of interesting plants, please bring them in and we'll asses their suitabliity. 

I wish to have a meeting of the group next Thursday 29th, after morning tea, so please come along to tea and scones and stay on for a meeting at which I hope we can get our ideas together and really get going on the preparation for the show.

If you haven't already indicated to me or the show organizing committee your availability for rostering during the show, please think about helping out for some of the time in the week of the show to man the garden area and help show off and hopefully sell off a good few plants from our garden.

See you all next Thursday

Dennis Gregory 

Garden leader 

Located just behind Gate 10 off Ashton Avenue, Claremont Showgrounds, Claremont, Western Australia, 6010, Australia

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