CNC Router & Laser Cutter

CNC Router

The Showgrounds Community Men’s Shed is equipped with a quality Axiom CNC router using Vectric VCarve Pro design software that enables members to design and manufacture a wide range of projects such as signs, toys, furniture, carvings, inlays and more.

Training Courses are regularly held to familiarise members with the operation of the machine and utilising the design software.

See our CNC Router in Action below.

Laser Cutter

The Shed laser cutter and engraver uses a high powered CO2 laser to cut or engrave a wide range of materials including wood, acrylic, paper, cardboard and leather. The system uses easy to learn Lightburn software to design projects and to control the laser. Training courses on the design software to operate this machine are given on a regular basis.


 CNC and Laser Group members meet for 'Show and Tell' sessions where projects are displayed and discussed and new ideas explored.

 If you would like to know more about the CNC/Laser Cutter Group and the training programs, please email the CNC/Laser Cutter Group Leader at this email address