Showgrounds Community Mens Shed
Our Shed is proud to be able to assist local Community Organisations in delivering their services. See below for a number of these initiatives we have undertaken since late 2020.
In September 2020, our Shed constructed a glass fronted trophy case to house a large silver cup and a number of smaller trophies. Please CLICK HERE to see pictures.
In February 2021, our Shed designed and constructed 50 Bowling Boxes. Each box stores two lawn bowls which can be stored, then be easily carried to the Greens for use. Please CLICK HERE to see pictures.
In September 2020, our Shed constructed and installed 2 knock-down changing booths and a pair of planter boxes for the Anglicare pop-up recycled clothing store that was set up in Claremont in conjunction with the Town of Claremont. Please CLICK HERE to see pictures.
In December 2020, our Shed constructed a free standing gate to complete the security fencing for the toddler enclosure at the 2020 Xmas party for South32 in the Showgrounds. Please CLICK HERE to see our pictures.
In June 2021, our Shed constructed a small display case for Membership Badges which were gifted to the Eastern Gascoyne Racing Club from a member of the Showgrounds Community Men’s Shed. Please CLICK HERE to see pictures.
In March 2021, the Shed partnered with the Friends of Cancer Council WA (FCCWA) to hold a fund raising Luncheon in the Shed Garden. It was a very successful event with the Shed Cooking Group preparing and serving a delicious 3 course Lunch to approximately 50 ladies. Please CLICK HERE to see pictures.
In March 2022, the FCCWA approached the Shed for a donation of a Wine Picnic Table for their 2022 fundraising, which we were very happy to Support. Please CLICK HERE to see pictures.
In August 2021, the Shed designed, constructed and installed what rehabME calls their ‘LIVING WALL’. It is a special wall that keeps the kids safe from falling down the stairs. rehabMe run intensive therapy programs for special needs children, participating in physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and massage at the rehabME Premises. Please CLICK HERE to see our pictures.

In September 2020, our Shed constructed a Memorial Park Bench for the Town of Claremont to commemorate the passing of the wife of the Mayor. Please CLICK HERE to see pictures.
In July 2021, the Town of Claremont Museum approached our Shed Photography Group to undertake their "Then and Now" Project. It was the first team project conducted by the Shed's Photography Group. It is a pictorial history of our local area, capturing some of the landscape, buildings and activities within our community within an pictorial timeline over the last 100 years. The team used a set of historical photographs of the Claremont provided by the Curator of the Claremont Museum. The team then focused on the Claremont CBD, Swan River foreshore, Lake Claremont or the Claremont Showgrounds. Please CLICK HERE to see pictures.
In December 2021, Our Shed repaired about 20 children’s washboards that are still in use during school visits at the Claremont Museum. Some washboards were falling apart and others had sharp nails so we restored them and made them safe for play. One washboard was even missing the glass wash-surface and Jim fashioned a new insert made from wood. We understand that the very early examples of these were also made entirely of wood, so the Museum was very pleased with that one. Similar children’s washboards have antique value of over $120 but the real value to the Museum is in their use as an educational item for children visiting the old school at the Museum. These items will need to be maintained on a regular basis and we will be happy to undertake this work for the Museum.
In March 2022, the Town of Claremont Museum approached the Shed to restore their existing outdoor wooden bench along with the timber stand for their Antique Bell. This was completed in early April 2022. Please CLICK HERE to see our pictures of these two projects for the Museum.
In December 2021, Our Shed provided 3 Picnic Wine tables to the Town of Claremont for their Summer Promotion of local Picnic locations. Three lucky families won these tables. Please CLICK HERE to see our pictures.
In November 2021, the Shed’s Bicycles for Humanity Group donated 6 bicycles to the Veteran’s Transition Centre (VTC) located in Jarrahdale. The focus of the VTC is to assist service people to transition from the military and active service into civilian life and to help avoid the growing challenges of mental health and other issues associated with long and/or active service in the military and exposure to trauma. Please CLICK HERE to see our pictures.
In January 2022, our Shed constructed 4 large display cases for old books and small artifacts to be safely displayed in the Squadron's wet mess. This project required at least 3 Shed Members from the Woodworking Group over a 4 month period. Please CLICK HERE to see our pictures.
Perth Homeless Support Group (PHSG)
In February and March 2022, our Kitchen Group in our Shed worked together with Matilda Bay Rotary Club to prepare food to feed 150 Homeless people in Perth. This Service is provided by PHSG every Tuesday evening.
Please CLICK HERE to see our pictures.
In October 2021 and March 2022 our Shed donated over 100 plants to the victims of the fires at Gidgegannup and Bridgetown. This has assisted those persons, affected by fires, to restore their gardens.
There were 135 registered sites in the Gidgegannup/ Wooroloo that required demolition or clean up as a result of this fire. Other houses were left standing but their gardens were badly burnt. The donation of these plants has helped restore their Gardens and those Residents that can’t plant out yet, still enjoy having planted pots around them whilst they are looked after at their temporary residences.
In December 2021, Our Shed participated in the Bunnings Night Market. This Event was co-sponsored by the Town of Claremont. We had a good participation from Shed members to assist on our Stall. The Shed's Kitchen Team manned the Sausage Sizzle for the Evening serving Patrons with a free Sausage Sizzle, provided by Bunnings. Members from the garden Group, Photography Group and Woodworking Group were all in attendance, selling Woodworking and WoodTurning items, Jams and Honey and Photographs, but also providing information about the Shed. This Community Event was run across all Bunnings Stores in Australia and is likely to be repeated annually just before Christmas. Please CLICK HERE to see our pictures.
In April 2022, Our Shed participated in the Bunnings Big Brunch Event for lead up to Easter. This Event was co-sponsored by the Town of Claremont. We had six members of the Shed assist on the day from various Groups in the Shed, predominantly selling Woodworking, WoodTurning and CNC Router items along with Jams, Honey and Photographs. Please CLICK HERE to see our pictures.
In March 2022, Swanbourne Primary School approached our Shed to undertake a couple of Projects for School. We produced a design for a Mud Kitchen and a Recycling Station, which were approved for Construction. These Projects have now been completed and delivered to the School. Please CLICK HERE to see our pictures.
Our Shed was proud to be invited to participate in the Annual Backyard Cricket Match fundraiser for the Pirate Ship Foundation (PSF). PSF is a community organisation that funds vital medical research into childhood brain cancer through a range of initiatives, adventures, events and partnerships.
On the 12th March 2022 the second Ultimate Backyard Cricket Match was held at Government House. Three members of our Shed Photography Group, undertook the task of being the “official” photographers for the event.
Two teams named the “Governors” and “Pirates” were made up of a mixture of local celebrities, Australian cricket players, other sporting stars (past and present) and some of the doctors involved in the research and treatment of the children. The event had many sponsors from Mining, IT, accounting, Jewellery, Channel 9, 6PR, Perth Scorchers, etc.
The event raised $170K from sponsorships, ticket sales, donations, auctions and the Hunt for a donated $10,000 pink argyle diamond that had been buried on the grounds three weeks earlier.
Photos and videos from the day were uploaded to the Foundation’s website and its Facebook page by our team within the following week. Please CLICK HERE to see our pictures.
In March 2022, OzHarvest approached our Shed to see if we could assist them with a solution for storing and transporting about 50 large carving knifes.
OzHarvest was founded in 2004 and has become a leading food rescue organisation a mission to “Nourish or Country” by stopping good food from going to waste and delivering it to charities that help feed people in need. Their yellow vans are out and about in communities every day collecting quality surplus food from a network of Donors, including supermarkets, cafes, delis, restaurants, corporate kitchens, airlines, hotels and other businesses.
Our Shed produced a design and within two weeks had completed six beautiful knife beautiful knife storage carriers to the delight of our OzHarvest contact. Please CLICK HERE to see our pictures.
In February 2022, Our Shed constructed and supplied 30 Trolleys to Save the Children. These Trolleys will be used to store pre-sorted books that are located in bins underneath benches. Currently it is often challenging for volunteers to crouch down, reach in and lift them out, so being able to roll the boxes out from under the Benches will make life a good deal easier. Another benefit of the Trolleys is that it will more safely keep books above the floor, as in recent times, heavy rain has caused caused major flooding inside the building. PICTURES COMING.
In March 2022, Bindaring approached our Shed to assist them with their clothes sales at the Claremont Showgrounds in mid May 2022. As a result we designed and constructed two trolleys which stack and hold approximately 200 wooden Clothes hangars each. These will assist the Volunteers to transport the hangars around the Venue, whilst setting up and packing up the clothes at the Sale. Please CLICK HERE to see our pictures.
On January 17th 2022, our Shed Kitchen Group catered for the annual Dalkeith Rotary Club's Family BBQ Night in the Shed Garden area. 65 Rotarians were treated to a Barbecue feast including the best fresh fruit Pavlova ever prepared at the Shed. Please CLICK HERE to see our pictures.
Since the Shed opened in February 2020 we have completed a number of Projects for Annie's Playschool. Two of our Woodworking (and Gardening) Team members have been instrumental in providing a slot of Support to this Playschool and they in turn have been very appreciative of our involvement. Please CLICK HERE to see our pictures.
In March 2022, our Shed constructed two Work Benches (2400mm * 1200mm) for this Veteran's Organisation. Please CLICK HERE to see our pictures.
Young Kyril in helmet recently arrived with his mum from war torn Ukraine. They are here on interim visas and staying with Anne (blue shirt). Kyril needed a bike so we were happy to give him a bike recently donated to our Shed. Thanks to Tony Chien for the introduction. Please CLICK HERE to see our pictures.